Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Anonymous Thank yous

We realize the importance of anything only when we lose it! Why does it take such an extreme to realize the value of something fundamental? How do we get so used to stuff we use everyday that we forget that we wouldn't be able to live life as comfortably, as smoothly as we do with the help of those simple things like running water, hot water showers, electricity...
I found myself in the middle of an outage, out of the blue all thanks to some storm I had no clue about. I waited for a few mins, then began to get restless. My laptop ran out of charge, I looked doubtfully at my cell phone, which was going to run out of charge pretty soon too. It was summer-time but my apt. remains sort of cool, so wasn't too worried about sweating it out. I couldn't heat anything up obviously since no microwave would come to my rescue. I couldn't cook anything because the range wouldn't get powered on. Hmm, So I picked up one torchlight, one Klondike bar form W algreens but couldn't pick up any groceries or more ice-cream because there would be no place to keep them in a warm refrigerator. As, I sipped on some Starbucks' iced double-shot mocha which was already beginning to warm up to the lack of electricity, I missed so many things which I don't bat an eyelid before using! Being forced into that 24-hour Sabbath wasn't so cool, as I took a chilling shower.
It’s amazing the more independent we’re striving to be, the more dependent we’re becoming! How many people out there make sure that the mundane stuff of my life gets taken care of , so I can be on my way every single day...People I will never see, people I can trust without even knowing them; to do their jobs so I can do mine! People I will never thank but if something goes wrong, will give a earful to somebody who isn't remotely connected to them or their jobs, who is; perhaps sitting in some other country and listening patiently to my complaints and apologizing profusely for no fault of his expect having the unfortunate privilege of answering phone calls. Somehow miraculously, some people will take care of my problems. Of course, I didn't suffer alone; there were others who again continue to remain faceless who are empathizing with each other and me! How things fall into place is nothing short of a miracle, a miracle which happens everyday; and because it happens everyday it ceases to amaze or even make anyone feel thankful! And if we started being thankful for every single thing, every single moment of our lives, it would just get a little overwhelming! So, I guess it's nice to stop once in a while and just say a big thank you, anonymous as it is will reach some of those miracle makers and who knows someone else's anonymous thank yous are probably coming your way as well!


  1. Well coming to think of uneventful happenings, do you recall the floods? You had your Lib to your rescue like you have it today! :) And trust me, it was fun thinking about how I am going to manage with no lights, no fan, no tv etc... we had no power for 3 days! those three days helped me notice the beauty of the existence of other things than the sudden non existence of power or other amenities. Those other things included the moon light that helped me see what it was that I was eating before I could taste and guess :D The sound of the flooded waters, the constantly chirping panic strikened birds... and more! Not to miss the growling stomach! I sensed so many other things that if I mention more, it'll be more of a blog post than a comment :D But I loved what you went thru :D haha (evil) ;)
